Crama Volintiri

The “Vitisvin Volintiri” winery is located in the commune of Volintiri, a historic village whose origins trace back to around 1420, during the time of the Bogdan noble lineage.

Previously known as the hamlet of Bebei, this large and well-known village lies in the Bugeac Steppe and is home to hardworking people who proudly uphold centuries-old traditions. It was here that the famed soprano MARIA BIEȘU, known as the “Nightingale of Moldova,” spent her childhood.

In 2014, the “Vitisvin Volintiri” winery was established by Mr. Malachi Nicolai Avram, a former collective farm chairman. To honor the village that became a second home to the Malachi family, a wine collection was created under the brand “Crama Volintiri.”

Today, “Vitisvin Volintiri” SRL is a thriving family business, managed by the founder’s son, Vladimir Malachi.