Grape and Grain

tasting of beer and wine in the vinotheque

There are few drinks in the world that divide their fans into two such distinct and almost non-intersecting parties like wine and beer.

And how do you like the combination of wine and beer?

In this evening lovers of both alcoholic beverages tried to figure out if this is possible.

 brewer and owner Sunstone Alehouse,Kirill Zmurciuktasting of beer and wine in the vinothequetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequebeer Sunstone Alehousetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequetasting of beer and wine in the vinothequebeer Sunstone Alehouse