Drinking with Jeraffe

enogastronomic evening fusion-styled

Our guest of the evening will be Jeraffe restaurant and their master chef Alexei Poleakov 

Jeraffe restaurant has been delighting its guests with unique and interesting ways of serving food for over 13 years. Alexei Poleacov and Invino's chief sommelier Druta Mihai came up with such bright and flavorful pairings – no one will be left indifferent. 

  • Bruschetta with dried fruits and nuts / Bruschetta with honey and grapes / Prune with Dorblu in bacon / Olives and spicy black olives with Kaori sauce + a  glass of Carlevana Chardonnay 2012 from Dionysos Mereni 
  • A pork chop roll with chicken and Jerez under a light sauce and salad made from grapefruit and cheese profiteroles + a glass of Cuvee Rouge 2014 from Et Cetera Wines 
  • Delicate Panna Cota with cherries + a glass of Traminer 2016 from Atu Winery